Hitachi S 5000 FE-SEM
- Ultra High Resolution
- Accelerating Voltage: 30 kV
- Magnification: 500,000x
- Image Resolution: 0.6 nm (at 30 kV),3.5 nm (at 1 kV) in secondary electron image
- Low mag mode: x30 ~ x500
- High mag mode: x250 ~ x800,000
Electron Optics
- Electron Gun: Cold field emission source
- Accelerating Voltage: 0.5 ~ 30 kV (0.1 kV/step)
- Lens System: 3 stage electromagnetic stage
- Objective Operture:4 openings, selectable and alignable from outside of vacuum, anticontamination heater built in
- Stigmator: Octapole electromagnetic type (X, Y)
- Scanning Coil: 2 stage electromagnetic
Specimen Stage
- System: side entry type
- Motion:
X = +/- 3.5 mm (continuous)
Y = +/- 2 mm (continuous)
Tilt = +/- 40 Degrees (continuous)
Tilt range is restricted by optional specimen holders and optional detectors
- Specimen Size: 9.5 mm x 5 mm x 2.4 mm (h) for standard holder, 20 mm x 6 mm x 2.4 mm (h) (maximum) for larger specimen holder
Specimen Exchange: Airlock type with prepumping
Display System
- Imaging Signal: Secondary electron image Back scatted electron image (option), X-ray image option
- Scan Model: Normal scan, reduced area, line scan, photos scan, spot position, analysis scan, dual mag/split screen, oblique
- CRT: 12 inch monitor for viewing x 2 sets, (12 inch color monitor at option), 7 inch photo recording/ultra high resolution monitor x 1 set
- Frame Memory: 1, 024 x 1,024 pixel memory x 2 sets for slow scan image (4-split screen image can be recorded), 512 x 512 pixel x 1 set for viewing
- Image Processing: Auto image brightness and contrast, gamma control, dynamic stigmator monitor, auto sigmator, dynamic focus, auto focus
- Scan Speed: TV, 0.3, 2, 10 (9), 20 (25) s/frame for viewing, 40 (35), 80 (100), 160, 320 s/frame for recording, ( ): for 60 Hz line frequency operation
- Electrical Image Shift: +/- 3 μm
- Auto Data Display: Film number, accelerating voltage, micron bar, micron scale, magnification, and date are printed on film automatically
Vacuum System
- Vacuum Pumps:
IP1: 60 1/s
IP2: 20 1/s
IP3: 20 1/s
TMP: 340 1/s
RP: 140 1/min (168 1/min) x 2 sets, ( ): for 60 Hz line frequency operation
- The instrument is protected against power and vacuum failures
Standard Equipment
- Column (x1)
- Display unit (x1)
- Power supply (x1)
- S-5080 Camera (x1)
- Air compressor (x1)
- Rotary pumps (x2)
- Standard tool (1 set)
- Spares and Consumables (1 set)
- Instruction manual (x1)
- Auto transformer (x1)
Dimensions and Weight:
- Column: 89(w) x 103(d) x 160(h) cm, 385 kg
- Display: 110(w) x 90 (d) x 116 (h) cm, 235 kg
- Power Supply: 54(w) x 63(d) x 150(h) cm, 215kg (Ion pump power supply, TMP power supply, stage control power supply, lens power supply)
Rotary Pump: 54(w) x 22(d) x 41(h) cm, 32 kg x 2 sets
Weight: 20(w) x 18(d) x 16(h) cm, 40 kg
Air Compressor: 40(w) x 23(d) x 55(h) cm, 18 kg
Auto Transformer: 33(w) x 35(d) x 38(h) cm, 72 kg
1998 Vintage