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Agilent B1500A Semiconductor Device Analyzer / SMU -69096

Price: $33,000
  • Asset # : 69096
  • Make : Agilent
  • Model : B1500A
  • Type : Semiconductor Device Analyzer / SMU
  • Wafer Size :
  • Configuration : - Operating system: Windows XP Professional SP2 - EasyEXPERT Rev: 6.1.1830.2880 - Frimware Rev: A.06.01.2016.0401 - Modules included: B1520A - Mult-Freq CMU B1511A - Medium Power SMU B1511A - Medium Power SMU B1517A - High Resolution SMU B1510A - High Power SMU B1500-66505 - GNDU - This unit has been tested and is working - All modules pass self-test and self-calibration

Agilent B1500A Semiconductor Device Analyzer / SMU -69096


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